Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Yogi. Me, Not the Bear.

A couple of months ago I decided to become a frequent participant in "Aquafit" at my gym. For those of you assuming it was an easy class meant for the elderly... you're not wrong. There was never any consistency between instructors and the I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be yawning/falling asleep during a "workout". I somehow managed to convince my lovely friend Sarah (find her at Little Fish Livin') to attend these aquafit classes with me. So naturally I felt a sense of responsibility to get us into a class that would challenge us physically... which lets be honest, wasn't hard to do.

Enter Yoga.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Homemade Granola

I've recently discovered a place called The Fresh Market. Wow. Let me just sum up my experience by saying that the first person to greet us when we walked in was passing out samples of wine. It was quite a different experience from my usual "I hope I pick a Walmart cart with functioning wheels". But with such high standards comes equally high prices. Sigh.

I mainly stuck to produce and made a mental list of things I could easily make myself for less than half the price here... Which led me to this post... After a few trial and error periods, I bring you my (absolutely delicious) homemade granola recipe!